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Montessori Blocks Creator
Fun and easy way for kids to build 3D objects from blocks! Designed for Maria Montessori's method of teaching, this app will help kids to visualize forms in 3D space and develop their creativity and imagination..

Montessori City Creator
Fun and easy way for kids to build entire cities from scratch. Based on Maria Montessori's method of teaching,create busy cities with simple taps, from cute houses to factories,shops, ships, trains and helicopters which all move and interact. Add different humans which walk around to watch your city come alive!

Montessori World Creator
Fun and easy way for kids to build entire worlds. Based on Maria Montessori's method of teaching, create beautiful worlds with simple taps, from simple houses to dense jungles and desert islands. Add animals, humans and birds which walk around and interact to watch your world come alive!

Montessori Flipbook Creator
Easily create animation flipbooks and movies. Based on Maria Montessori's method of teaching, kids can draw, animate and make flipbooks easily in this app designed specifically for kids.

Montessori Draw Shapes
Simply click and drag in space in order to create a shape, ranging from flowers to airplanes and buildings. Based on Maria Montessori's method of teaching, learn geometry and shapes with step by step interactive tutorials.